
1.amiable  和藹、友善

意思  pleasant and friendly

造句  He seemed an amiable young man.


2. adjourn 延期

意思  to have a pause or rest during a formal meeting or trial

造句  The meeting was adjourned until Tuesday


3. amount  總數

意思   collection or massespecially of something that cannot be counted

造句  Small amounts of land were used for keeping animals


4. abdicate  退位

意思  If a king or queen abdicates, he or she makes a formal statement that he or she no longer wants to be king or queen

造句  King Edward VIII abdicated (the British throne) in 1936.


5. amplify  擴大

意思  to make something louder;to increase the size or effect of something

造句  A funeral can amplify the feelings of regret and loss for the relatives



feneral  葬禮

意思   a (usually religiousceremony for burying or burning the body of a dead person

造句   The funeral will be held next Friday.


6.admission  准許進入  承認

意思  the act of agreeing that something is trueespecially unwillingly

造句   felt he would see my giving up now as an admission that I was wrong.


7.amuse 逗樂

意思    to entertain someone, especially by humorous speech or action or by making them laugh or smile

造句   I've brought an article from yesterday's paper that I thought might amuse you.


8. abduction  綁架

意思   the act of making a person go somewhere with you, especially using threats or violence

造句   He was charged with abduction.


9. anchor 錨

意思   heavy metal object, usually shaped like a cross with curved arms, on a strong rope or chain, that is dropped from a boat into the water to prevent the boat from moving away

造句   We dropped anchor


10. aberration  失常;反常

意思   temporary change from the typical or usual way of behaving

造句   In a moment of aberration, she agreed to go with him.

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